Wednesday, April 2, 2014

I will never do that again....

weather outside
taking online classes
sitting on the couch
legs were asleep from hip to toes
needed to make dinner
stood up tried to walk on my completely asleep foot
stepped down on top of my foot instead of the bottam
heard it pop
got up to walk on it
fell down
called my mom who was 3 hours away
called my fiance who was in Iowa
called my friend who was at work
called another friend who was fishing
decided not to go to the hospital at all
still have yet to talk to a doctor about my injury
I will never do that again

    It was a beautiful day out. The light was shining in from the cracks in the blinds. I could hear the birds chirping from inside the house. They sounded happy. At the time I was taking online classes and spend an awful amount of time on the couch.

I tried to use my senses a lot during this freewrite because I wanted to bring my reader to my story. I also used this tactic because I felt it helpful in writing other stories in Ms. Anthony's class.

She was Blonde...

Her Blonde hair danced off her shoulders as she swayed back and forth in front of the window. The light beamed in as if it were trying to steal the spotlight from her golden locks but those long wavy strands of hair held everyone's attention in the room. .

The toddler is angry...

With his faced scrunched up and his eyes glossy he looked just like an angry old man. However, knowing of the child's innocence I would not be fooled. His dramatized facial expressions were so adorable.

Granny Great's Delicious Meatballs

I wish this recipe came frozen and packaged in every grocery store across the country but they are a tad messier to make them like my grandma does. I like to start by getting all of the ingredients out on the counter top for easy access. The beef, cheese, crackers, and eggs. I put the beef in a large container, crumble the crackers over the meat and crack a couple of eggs into the bowl. Now comes the fun part. Mixing these ingredients feels slimy in between my fingers. The crackers poke the palm of my hand. I often hear an unpleasant noise as I squish these moist ingredients together.

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