Monday, February 3, 2014

Physical Health/ Mental Health

My son Blake is such a cutie. He has blonde hair blue eyes and is very slender. Even though his doctor finds nothing wrong with him physically, based on weight and height.  I have to wonder about the things he eats. I often ask myself questions such as Does he eat too much candy? How unhealthy is it to eat 10 apples in one day? How does his unhealthy eating habits contribute to his mental health? I try to think of how my eating habits were as a child and I am often left blank minded. I remember eating a lot of candy, a lot of fruits and vegetables, and a lot of toast with cinnamon and sugar on it. I'm beginning to wonder if these habits contribute anything to anger. I ask this because I often get pretty crabby when I am hungry. Maybe it is the same for Blake. I am worried about him because he gets so mad and has no clue how to channel his anger. I know he is just a child and he doesnt understand, but is it really normal to be that angry? How do I help him to learn to channel his anger? Is it enough to spend time loving him and talking to him? Why won't he talk to me about his feelings?

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